Is one truly Alaskan without a bundle of paracord on hand?
Enhance your outdoor gear with the Gear Aid 550 Paracord. This 30-foot, 4 mm cordage is made of 100% nylon, providing strength, durability, and versatility for a wide range of tasks. Whether you need to secure a shelter, create a clothesline, or fashion a survival bracelet, this heavy-duty paracord is your go-to solution. The orange reflective color ensures visibility and safety in low-light conditions, making it an essential addition to your outdoor kit.
The Gear Aid 550 Paracord is not just for survival situations but also for everyday outdoor activities. Its multipurpose nature allows you to use it for securing shelters, tying down gear, or even crafting custom accessories like belts and handle wraps. The reflective orange color adds an element of safety, ensuring you're visible in low-light conditions. Tested for field durability, this paracord is a reliable companion from the backyard to the backcountry.
Available for in-store pickup and shipping. Order online and choose your preferred delivery method at checkout.