Gear Aid Aquaseal FD Repair Adhesive is your go-to solution for fixing holes and tears in your outdoor gear. Whether you're repairing dry bags, wetsuits, paddling apparel, or latex gaskets, this adhesive provides a durable, flexible, and waterproof bond. It’s the industry standard for water sports equipment repairs, ensuring your gear stays in top condition for your adventures.
Previously known simply as "Aquaseal," this versatile adhesive bonds to a wide range of materials, including hypalon, neoprene, latex, nylon, vinyl (PVC), GORE-TEX, trilaminates, many fabrics, foams, composites, and many plastics. It's ideal for replacing latex gaskets, adding an abrasion-resistant layer to boats, and protecting against wear and tear.
Available for in-store pickup and shipping. Order online and choose your preferred delivery method at checkout.